Enriching the Experience of Srimad Bhagavatam Study
- Have a bird’s eye view of the Srimad-Bhagavatam Cantos
- Explore the Interconnections between different Sections
- Familiarize yourself with the Flow of verses in a chapter
- Dive deep into the Authentic imports of Vital verses
- Delight on the Thematic perspectives and Compilations
- Marvel at the richness of the Characters, Holy names and Analogies

Bhagavata Subodhini Cantos 1 & 2, the first book in the Bhagavata Subodhini series, presents the wonderful history of the appearance of Srimad Bhagavatam, and narrations of the main personalities including Vyasadeva, Narada Muni, King Parikshit, Sukadeva Goswami, the Pandavas and Lord Krishna Himself, and various paths on the Vedic landscape including the Ashtanga yoga, the Universal form (virat-rupa), and establishes the glory of Bhakti-yoga. Gauranga Darshan Das presents this book in a colourful and concise form with verse-by-verse overview of the chapters divided into sections, subsections and their interconnections, summary tables, flowcharts, vital verses, thematic compilations, and additional notes from the commentaries of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Visvanath Cakravarti Thakur.

In Bhagavata Subodhini Canto 3, Gauranga Darshan Das presents the 33 chapters of the third canto of Srimad Bhagavatam concisely with the usual verse-by-verse overview divided into sections, with their interconnections, summary tables, flowcharts, nectar verses, thematic compilations, and additional notes from the acharya commentaries. Delight on the amazing universal creation pastimes of the Supreme Lord, and the further creation carried out by Lord Brahma and others. Understand the elaborate and technical aspects of the creation from the simplified explanations. Read, relish and recollect the pastimes of Lord Varaha, the description of Vaikuntha, the household life of Kardama Muni and Devahuti, and finally the philosophical teachings of Lord Kapila.

Bhagavata Subodhini Canto 4 by Gauranga Darshan Das presents the Fourth Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam in a systematic and simplified manner. The Fourth Canto unveils inspiring and instructive stories of admired personalities like Lord Siva, Suniti, Dhruva, Narada, Anga, Prithu and the Pracetas, who all showed extraordinary examples of bhakti. One can also learn about the unfavourable attitudes in bhakti from the mistakes of characters like Daksha, Suruci, Vena, Indra and Pracinabarhi. We get to witness how the positive transformation undergone by many of these personalities, due the intervention of devotees, adds to the glory of bhakti. Furthermore, the prayers of pure devotees like Dhruva, Prithu and the Pracetas uncovers the depths of the highest aspiration of a devotee – to hear krsna-katha in the association of devotees.

Bhagavata Subodhini Canto 5 & 6 is the fourth volume of the series, and gives a bird’s eye view of the expanse and the depth of the Fifth and the Sixth Cantos of Srimad Bhagavatam. This volume presents the most wonderful stories of King Priyavraya, Lord Rishabhadeva, King Bharata, the universal cosmology, Ajamila, Daksha, Indra, Vritrasura, Chitraketu and several others, along with many original illustrations. The cosmology sections are specifically presented in a very lucid manner with relevant illustrations and charts. Maintaining a similar style like that of his previous volumes of Bhagavata Subodhini, Gauranga Darshan Das presents this volume for easy readability and assimilation of its contents and delight in the splendour of its message.

Bhagavata Subodhini Canto 7 is the fifth volume of the series, and gives a bird’s eye view of the expanse and the depth of the most enchanting pastimes of Lord Narasimha-deva, the selfless and seamless devotion of Prahlada Maharaja, and the gist of the Varna-asrama dharma, along with many original illustrations. Maintaining a similar style like that of his previous volumes of Bhagavata Subodhini, Gauranga Darshan Das presents this volume on the Seventh Canto for easy readability and assimilation of its contents and delight in the splendour of its message.

Read all the enthralling pastimes of the Supreme Lord in the MANVANTARAS of the current day of Lord Brahma in Bhagavata Subodhini Canto 8. The Eighth Canto of the Bhagavatam vividly presents the theme of Manvantara or the reign of the Manus. Manus are the administrators of the universe, appointed by the Supreme Lord. There are fourteen Manus who rule in one kalpa or a day of Lord Brahma that spans over 1000 catur-yugas (catur-yuga is the combination of the four yugas namely Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali). Thus, each Manu rules for about seventy-one catur-yugas. In every manvantara, there are six kinds of personalities who manage various functions of the universe.

BHAGAVATA SUBODHINI CANTO 9 by Gauranga Darshan Das is a systematic study guide to the Ninth Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam. This book presents all the wonderful stories of the kings of the Sun dynasty and the Moon Dynasty in the current (Vaivasvata) manvantara including Lord Rama, Lord Parasurama and several great kings including Ambarisha, Mandhata, Ikshvaku, Hariscandra, Sagara, Bhagiratha, Yayati, Pururava, Rantideva and many others, ending with a prelude to Lord Krishna’s appearance and pastimes in the Tenth Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam. Maintaining a similar style like that of his previous volumes of Bhagavata Subodhini series, Gauranga Darshan Das presents this seventh volume in a colourful and concise form with verse-by-verse overview of the chapters divided into sections, subsections and their interconnections, summary tables, flowcharts, nectar slokas, thematic compilations, and additional notes from the commentaries of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Visvanath Cakravarti Thakur.

BHAGAVATA SUBODHINI Canto 10 Part 1 by Gauranga Darshan Das The TENTH CANTO of the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam represents the beautiful lotus face of Lord Kṛṣṇa and comprehensively describes the topic of āśraya, or the Supreme shelter Śrī Kṛṣṇa. Śukadeva Gosvāmī ecstatically describes in this longest canto, the appearance of Lord Kṛṣṇa and His pastimes in Vṛndāvana, Mathurā, Dvārakā, Hastināpura and other places. Lord Kṛṣṇa’s unlimited transcendental attributes, His amazing reciprocations with the love of His devotees, and His compassionate deliverance of those who were inimical to Him, as described in this canto, are the worthiest subject matters for one’s contemplation. They constitute the most precious gift for the devotees to absorb themselves in Lord Kṛṣṇa’s glories. BHĀGAVATA SUBODHINĪ unveils the exciting structure and flow of Srimad Bhagavatam by giving the connections between the chapters, sections, subsections and verses, in a concise and colorful manner. In this multivolume series, Gauranga Darshan Das integrates the explanations of Srila Prabhupada and the previous acharyas, and presents them in a simplified form, to assist avid readers, scholars, and even newcomers in their Bhagavatam study.
This publication is a precious jewel, both adding to the unlimited radiance of Krishna’s presence as Srimad-Bhagavatam and reflecting that splendour. What is special: the clarity of both the text and its graphic presentation, enabling a full and penetrating comprehension of the Bhagavatam’s structure and profundity.

HH Devamrita Swami
Author | Monk | Educator
I am sincerely grateful to Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha for the dedicated efforts to present this publication – Bhagavata Subodhini. I pray that each reader may enter deeper and deeper into the knowledge and devotional love (Bhakti Ras) of the essence of all Vedas – Srimad Bhagavatam.

HH Radhanath Swami
Author | Teacher | Spiritual Activist
Bhagavata Subodhini is a praiseworthy project for deepening our appreciation of the Bhagavatam, particularly from the insight of Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti. By concisely organizing his analysis of the work, the devotee will be able to relish both the Bhagavatam and Visvanatha’s realizations. Caitanya Mahaprabhu has accepted Bhagavatam as the main pramana since it is the conclusion of all scriptures. By understanding its import the devotee will be able to grasp the theology, practice and goal of the Vedic tradition in a most compact form.

HH Bhanu Swami
Author | Monk
pibata bhagavatam rasamalayam. Bhagavata Subodhini is an excellent study guide that makes Srimad Bhagavatam more relishable and easier to digest. Drawing strength from the Bhaktivedanta Purports and Bhagavad commentaries by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, Bhagavata Subodhini is a great tool for an in-depth, systematic and scrutinising study of Srimad Bhagavatam. I strongly recommend this masterpiece for one and all, young and old, alike. My hearty congratulations for this invaluable publication.

HH Lokanath Swami
Author | Monk | ISKCON Padayatra Minister
Srila Prabhupada has left for us a treasure house of literature, which is the essence of the Vedas. To unpack it more into details of what is being said and the congruency of how that knowledge is being presented is nicely done in this Bhagavata Subodhini. It is a very noble attempt. I find the Subodhini series a great aid in making our presentation more complete and interesting – both for the students and the teachers and for general audience who are interested in going deeper into the philosophy and practice of Krishna Consciousness. Subodhini will help people get attracted to study Srila Prabhupada’s works, and in a more easily understandable way. It is a great project, and we commend the devotees who are doing such hard work.

HH Chandramauli Swami
Author | Monk | ISKCON Prison Minister
The Bhagavata Purana is famously considered the ripened fruit of the Vedic tree of knowledge. If this is true, then the Bhagavata Subodhini – beautifully designed, user-friendly and eminently accessible – is the most succulent part of this ripened fruit. Each volume of this multivolume set is visually stunning and easy on the eye, allowing readers to penetrate the Bhagavata in a way that was not previously possible. Krishnaite kudos to anyone and everyone that had a hand in this transcendental masterpiece.

Dr Steven J Rosen
Founding Editor | Journal of Vaishnava studies | Author of 35 Books
Given the importance of the Bhagavata Purana and the increase in general interest in its content, study guides such as the present publication are to be enthusiastically welcomed by students of the text. The initial two volumes of Bhagavata Subodhini, comprising the first three skandhas of the Bhagavata, offer a chapter-by-chapter analysis, with a more detailed focus on the most significant verses. Such volumes will be most useful for classes and workshops.

Prof. Paul Sherbow
Rutgers University
I found Bhagavata Subodhini very interesting and useful, for it presents the contents of Bhagavatam in a systematic and lucid manner. I am very happy that the devotees in our society are producing such wonderful literature based on Srila Prabhupada’s books and commentaries of other acharyas. I like the fact that in one book I have access to commentaries of different acharyas, that too presented in an interesting tabular format, which made it easy and clear to read. This book is like a Bhagavatam digest. It helps preachers in their presentations on Bhagavatam. I wish I had access to such books before. I encourage devotees to come together, for this kind of study and contemplation on the Bhagavatam.

HH Bhakti Purushottama Swami
Author | Monk
It is a guide, I use to get a bird’s eye view of a chapter, to spot out diamond like sections for deeper contemplation and nectar like slokas for relishing and repeating to others. It has increased my appetite for Bhagavatam study and gain great spiritual advantage. Thanks to Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha Research Center for the dedicated efforts in making Srila Prabhupada’s masterpiece work easy and accessible for all.

Radheshyam Das
Author | Monk | President of ISKCON Pune
With eighteen thousand verses, the Srimad Bhagavatam is a vast treasure house of philosophy, pastimes, and poetic beauty. It can be challenging even for learned readers to grasp the structure and content of this spotless Purana. Gauranga Darshan Prabhu has done an immense service to the Vaishnava community by making the Bhagavatam easy to understand (subodhini) by summarizing the contents of each chapter, showing the interconnections between different sections, and highlighting key verses. I thank Gauranga Darshan Prabhu and the Bhakivedanta Vidyapitha Research Center for this wonderful gift.

Dr. Ravi Gupta (Radhika Ramana Dasa)
Charles Redd Chair of Religious Studies, Utah State University, USA
The challenge for teachers in today’s distracting world is to catch and retain students’ attention. Students, even if they can avoid distractions, still can easily be overawed by the vastness and seeming complexity of shastra. In such a setting, the Subodhini series comes to the aid of shastra teachers and shastra students by presenting the foremost texts of our tradition accessibly and appealingly. As our movement strives to create more resources for promoting education, the Subodhini series prepared by Gauranga Darshan Prabhu counts among the most valuable resources available for devotees in their efforts to savor and share the treasure of shastra that Srila Prabhupada has gifted us.

Chaitanya Charan Das
Author | Mentor | Spiritual Teacher
The Subodhini series by Gauranga Darshan Prabhu makes the Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and Caitanya Caritamrita so accessible to those that want to dive deep into these scriptures. Breaking everything into small sections makes it so much easier to taste spoonfuls of nectar from the ocean of HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada’s purport presentations.