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Key for Good Friendships

Key for Good Friendships

by Gauranga Darshan Das

Generally, rich people do not like to identify with poor people. King Drupada and Dronacharya studied under the same guru in the same school when they were boys. But after some years, when poor Droṇa approached Drupada for financial assistance, Drupada gave him a cold reception. In contrast to this, Kṛṣṇa’s warm treatment of poor Sudama reveals the depth of their friendship beyond the difference in their positions.

Kṛṣṇa’s love for Sudama was unpretentious, and Sudama’s love for Kṛṣṇa was unmotivated. He came to Kṛṣṇa just out of an eagerness to see his friend. If we have undue expectations from others and if they are not fulfilled, we get frustrated. But if we don’t expect favors from others, yet receive help, we will become grateful for it. We need to make this conscious choice whether to be frustrated or be grateful in our relationships.

Just as Sudama felt ashamed to offer flat rice to Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa felt ashamed to give wealth to him. Kṛṣṇa thought, “My friend’s eagerness to serve Me is more than his ability to serve Me. Even though he had nothing in his house, he took the trouble of begging this flat rice from neighbors. So, I must give him something more valuable than all my possessions but nothing is equal to or greater than My wealth.” Being thus embarrassed Kṛṣṇa gave wealth to Sudama secretly, which was revealed to him only after he returned home. Despite showing so much favor, Kṛṣṇa felt He didn’t do enough for Sudama, while people want credit and feel proud for even small favors that they do to others. Krishna and Sudama, with their genuine love and humility, demonstrated sweetness of good friendships.

Excerpt From: Gauranga Darshan Das. “Bhagavata Viveka: Practical Wisdom from Bhagavatam Stories”. Apple Books.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. P. N. S. L. Aishwarya Bharadwaj

    Hare Krishna Prabhuji… It’s such an auspicious & great pastime which actually helps us to realise the True Relationship apart from this
    It’s a pastime which always bring tears whenever I recollect it & it helps us how to stay tuned with the Suprem Lord Krishna as well as teaches many lessons that are rarely taught… Today on the account of Friendship Day I was recollecting this pastime & fortunately reading this wonderful pastime is really a bliss … Thank you Very Much Prabhuji
    Hare Krishna Jaye Radhey Hari Bol

  2. Divya Gaurangi Devi Dasi

    Hare Krishna Dandavat pranam prabhuji thankyou for explaining clearly that we shd not have undue expectations & be grateful for any help received. Important quality to imbibe of genuine unpretentious love that’s unmotivated & humility which makes good friendship sweet. Perfect example you gave of Krishna & Sudama . Very grateful Dandavat pranam 🙏

  3. LilyRohatgi

    Friendship is to have the quality of unpretentious love that ‘s unnoticed like that of krishna and Sudhama

  4. Aruna

    Hare krishna prabhuji dandavat pranaam. Pls accept my humble obeisances. All glories to srila prabhupada and Guru dev.

    Thank u so much amazing explanation.

    Your servant

  5. Ratikanta Das

    wonderful. so intricate details of emotional exchange between two ideal friends thats sets a powerful example for entire humanity to follow.

    thank you prabhuji.

    Hare Krishna


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