A Necklace of Nectar Verses sarvopaniñado gävo dogdhä gopäla-nandanaù pärtho vatsaù su-dhér bhoktä dugdhaà gétämåtaà mahat “This Gitopanisad, Bhagavad-gitä, the essence of all the Upaniñads, is just like a cow, and Lord Krsna, who is famous as a cowherd boy, is milking this cow. Arjuna is just like a calf, and learned scholars and pure devotees are to drink the nectarean milk of Bhagavad-gita (Git...A Necklace of Nectar Verses sarvopaniñado gävo dogdhä gopäla-nandanaù pärtho vatsaù su-dhér bhoktä dugdhaà gétämåtaà mahat “This Gitopanisad, Bhagavad-gitä, the essence of all the Upaniñads, is just like a cow, and Lord Krsna, who is famous as a cowherd boy, is milking this cow. Arjuna is just like a calf, and learned scholars and pure devotees are to drink the nectarean milk of Bhagavad-gita (Gita-mähätmya 6) Drink in the milk of the Upanishad cow Nourish your inner wisdom here and now Enter the Depths of Devotional Know-how Bathe in the Sacred nectar as your daily vow Gita Ratnamala is a compilation of 208 Vital Verses from the Bhagavad Gita presented in Devanagri & English, With Word for Word Meanings, Translations by HDG AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and the themes of the verses.