Gauranga Darshan Das

Govardhan Eco Village


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Gauranga Darshan Das

Govardhan Eco Village


Enlightment Stream

Appearance day of Sribas Pandit! May his teachings guide us on our spiritual journey🙏🫶

Precious moments with HG Radheshyam Prabhu at the workshop on 'Making Srimad Bhagavatam our constant companion in spiritual life'

Gauranga Darashan Das with Radheshyam Das at Goverdhan Ecovillage 

podcast cooming soon on

Consistency is the key to success in anything. Similarly it is true for meditation. When we meditate daily keeping aside certain amount of time in a focused manner then we start seeing the results.

River Yamuna has merciful manifested herself here in our Govardhan Eco Village’s Vrindavan Forest of Grace just to offer us a chance to purify our consciousness.
as an expression of gratitude to her immense mercy, a soul stirring Yamuna Arati is performed every evening in the Keshi Ghat at our Vrindavan Forest of Grace.

Abhishekam ceremony of Gaur Nitai at Govardhan Ecovillage

We are pleased to launch the new version of our WEBSITE that facilitates a more user-friendly experience in accessing all our spiritual resources for all age groups.

Wishing everyone a very Happy Gaur Purnima.

May this auspicious occasion bring joy, love, and spiritual growth to all!

Gaur Katha @Iskcon Hyderabad Abids on the occasion of Sri Gaur Purnima Festival

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